The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) holds the title to the 387 acre Randall Preserve. The MRCA is a Joint Powers of Authority (JPA) dedicated to the preservation and management of local open space and parkland, wildlife habitat, coastal access, watershed lands, and trails in both wilderness and urban settings, and to ensuring access to public parkland and coastal resources. Its Governing Board is comprised of designated representatives of the Conejo Recreation and Park District, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District, and one at-large Member appointed by the Governing Board.
海岸走廊联盟 (CCA),前身为班宁牧场保护协会,是一家 501(c)3 非营利性保护组织。25 年来,CCA 一直致力于保护和保存班宁牧场,现在称为兰德尔保护区。CCA 以新名称和扩大的使命继续致力于兰德尔保护区及其周围自然土地和水域的保护和管理。与 MRCA 合作,CCA 筹集资金,帮助启动和管理兰德尔保护区的大部分公园规划。了解更多信息,请访问CoastalCorridor.org 。
Dudek is a 100% employee-owned, multidisciplinary planning, environmental, and engineering consulting firm based in Encinitas, CA. Dudek was hired by CCA to complete biological studies, determine potential restoration alternatives, align the various plans, and establish appropriate locations for public access.